Sunday, July 25, 2010

Week 10 Homeland Security

Creating buffers around critical infrastructure that will require additional security under threat; NORAD and Cheyenne Mountain Heliport. A summary of features within the NORAD buffer identified the heliport. Ingress and egress points were created along the perimeter of the buffer where roads intersect to mark as surveillance locations. A shapefile of surveillance points around NORAD was created and a surface analysis done to show areas of obstruction and a line of sight profile generated.

Everything with the lab worked well until the last steps; 3D line of sight. I checked projections and redid several time to no avail.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Week 4_Supervised Classification

Land use map created by supervised classification showing histogram and land class names.
Week4 Land Class Map

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week9 Homeland Security Assgn Part 1

Identifying, defining, and compiling a comprehensive geospatial database for homeland security planning and operations at the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) in Colorado. The only problems with this weeks lab were the same as most people. Everything had to be deleted from my H drive prior to this semester... bummer, and trying to find the correct files to either repair or to complete/follow the lab. Projecting, modifying, exporting files, etc. was not a problem. Everything worked, at least as I interpreted the instructions, without any errors or crashes (a first).

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week 8_Crime Activity

This map shows Washington DC county police stations and the total crime from each precinct. Police stations recording the highest crime are the Sixth, Seventh, and Third Districts. A graph was created to show the crime totals for each station with a legend of station names and totals of crime.

The second map focused on auto theft and times of day; night, morning, afternoon, and evening. The overall rate of crime and auto theft occurs in the evening period of 6 p.m. to midnight. The density map shows two areas of high activity suggesting the need for more police sub stations.